Unique features:

  • Lightning Speed Solutions: PROPT has firmly cemented its position as the fastest and most robust optimal control package. Previously tough problems are now robustly solved in a matter of seconds.
  • Scaling module: The software can, at the user's request, scale the problem to avoid convergence issues for space-related problems.
  • Binary and integer support: In the PROPT models any state, control or parameter can be a binary or integer variable.
  • Multi-phase optimal control: The user can connect phases of arbitrary length with state jumps (such as a sudden mass drop). A different collocation method may be used for the phases.
  • Source transformation: The TomSym and PROPT softwares are the first Matlab  modules to enable complete source transformation for optimal control problem.
  • DAE formulation: The PROPT software allows for a DAE formulation of the dynamic system. Other methods use an ODE formulation and path constraints. An ODE is a special case of a DAE, but PROPT accepts both formulations by default.
  • Arbitrary collocation points: PROPT can use any set of collocation points (including, of course, Gauss and Chebyshev points).
  • One-page formulations: Most optimal control problems are simply defined in one Matlab struct. No other user files are needed.
  • Parameter estimation: Dynamic systems can be modeled and problem coefficients and expressions can be obtained.